Debajit Biswas

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Why should we blog?

Before posting, I just wanted to know about this site. So I clicked the 'about us' button at the bottom of the page. I found a story of three men with a unique idea and their wills to prove it. They got their reward by Google's offering to own their site.
I don't know what they thought at the beginning and how deep the thought was, but this blogger's sites have great potential. I am not thinking about business potential because business strategies often ignore some other impacts of the projects undertaken. Think about existence of this blogspot for atleast 500 yrs. Think that some historian of future world digging millions & millions of this posts to know about the people of 21st century viz. their culture, their thought & everything. I am not ignoring other forms of resources but where do you get these millions & millions of personal diaries of so many people.
The above is one reason except from various other reasons for writing diaries. But it is mainly for the favour of future world. What are the reasons favouring present world?
Well one I guess is favouring the building of like minded community. How? I know that there are many communities but all of them are pre-declared i.e. you know what they are about before you join them. You know I have seen so few people in the right spot, I hardly believe that most of people in most of the communities really fit their position. So what is the benefit here? Along with writing my own blogs I also take interest in others people's blogs. I read them, I try to read his mind. If he/she suits me, I just regularly read them. Here I should make myself clear that I have not posten any comments here till now, but certainly I will if I think that I have something to say him/her. And you know it is really useful in developing friends viz. communities.
No more today, many more when someone posts comments about this otherwise nothing.
25th September, 2006
12:43 A.M.


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